Wellness with a Difference & Fresh Skin Care - Spring Into Action - Bus Opp


Bristol Mariott Royal Hotel,

College Green, Bristol BS1 5TA, UK Map

Looking for a Fresh Start - A New Adventure?
Take a Fresh Look at Skin Care, Nutrition & Life - Thursday February 20th @ 7.00pm - 
Wellness with a Unique Difference - Award Winning Innovations -
Learn about this Fresh Business Concept - a special chance to build your own business 
We offer free guidance & coaching to help you achieve your financial goals -
Flexible - Part Time - add it to your current Work Life balance - and grow a new income stream over time.
Sustainable Wellness & Eco - Plastic free Packaging - 

Fresh, Sustainable, Ethical, chemical free & plastic freeFresh Body Care * Superfoods * Energy Drink 
Conscious living with respect to ourselves and the environment.
We can implement change as consumers making a sustainable and ethical choice what products we have in our home environment. Plant Based & Vegan.INVITATION TO TRY AND FEEL FOR YOURSELFExperience the FIRST FRESH Body Care and Super-Food products in Europe- and hear all about our unique company ethos and philosophy.On average women apply 100 different synthetic chemicals on their body every day- a high amount of these find their way into the blood stream.

We do not want synthetic chemicals in our food- so why have them in our skin care?Pure, truly natural and FRESH products for the whole family- sustaining a healthy lifestyle and a toxin free home.
You will find out on the  Thursday February 20th  @ 7.00pm - 
*why body care products should be “FOOD STATE” and vegan*what our USP Freshness means*create a toxin free bathroom at home including sustainable ethical products for the whole family*New Generation Products- which are best for us and the environment*New Generation Business- that is 100% ethical and 100% sustainable*Whole Food Supplements - as nature intended*Meet the winner of the European Business Awards 2017 (out of 33,000 Businesses)
Try out products - ask questions and get inspired for healthy toxin free choices which are best for you and our environment. Eco Plastic Containers too!

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