Mehmet Barış Ertunç

معلومات عني

Mehmet Barış Ertunç
 Mehmet Barış Ertunç
معلومات عني:
A calm, helpful and hardworking individual who has a passion for great food and who enjoys cooking. Mehmet gets a real buzz out of working in a busy kitchen, and great pleasure out of seeing happy faces enjoying a good meal that he has cooked. As a leader he is not only able to give orders and delegate tasks, but is also able to reliably carry out orders as well. He loves the freedom of expression that cooking gives him and is willing to work hard to build a career in the culinary world. Right now he is looking for a suitable position with a company that wants to recruit talented and enthusiastic individuals.
الإقامة في:
İstanbul (Turkey)
German, English, Spanish
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, معارف العمل
44 سنوات
Colombia, İstanbul


Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Movies/Videos, Photography, Travel/Sightseeing, Horseback Riding, Jogging, Walking/Hiking
الموسيقى المفضلة:
blues, jazz,oldies
الأفلام المفضلة:
all Tarantino movies
الكتب المفضلة:
Dan Brown books
أمور أحبها:
everything tasty or beautiful
أمور أكرهها:
unrespectful any behaving