Flow with Fleur - yoga workshop


Serendip Spa & Yoga

Place Stéphanie 16, Ixelles, Belgium Map

Join this workshop with Fleur van Hille, yoga instructor at Vale de Moses, retreat centre in Portugal.

About the teacher
Fleur followed her yoga trainings in India, Amsterdam and New York. Her background as a professional dancer shines through her teaching style; Fleur guides you through the yoga poses like a dance and gives clear instructions on how to practice the poses in a safe way.

The workshop
A three hour long workshop... If this makes you wonder if you have enough stamina to participate, don't worry! We will start in a slow pace and take our awareness to the breath. This will form the foundation for a vinyasa practice accompanied by music. Allow yourself to go with the flow and the thoughts to calm down.
After the flowing sequences, we will move into yoga poses with the support and counterbalance of a partner; how different the poses may feel! Have fun finding balance together and relax deeply in the restorative poses. We will close the workshop by chanting mantras together. Fleur will play the harmonium and share stories behind the mantras. This can be a wonderful meditative and heart opening experience, so you feel more connected to yourself at the end of the workshop.

If you sign up before the 20th of May you can profit from the early bird price of €50. After this date, the price for the workshop is €55.

Register online on www.serendipspa.com or feel free to contact us at info@serendipspa.com or at +32 2 503 55 04 for further information.

Profil uživatele Helena Mahuas
 Helena Mahuas