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Looking for job in Germany

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Γερμανία

Good day,

I am from the US and my wife is German. We are looking to move back to Germany and it would be extremely helpful to have a job lined up before we go. I am worried that if we move there, I won't be able to find a job in the 90 days that I'll have since I don't have an education from Germany.

I graduated from the US Naval Academy with a Bachelor's degree in Ocean Engineering. I worked for 7.5 years in the military, with diverse positions ranging from engineering to operations. I am currently working with Michelin North America, Inc. as an Industrial Engineer. I am in the process of learning German and have tested out of A1 level.

I will gladly send my resume to anyone and am looking for jobs in Baden-Württemberg / Stuttgart area.

Thank you for your help in advance!

  • Viktoriya Bryksa

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    If you speak at least 2 languages, I can recommend you Europe language jobs, it's a job board in Europe. They have especially many vacancies in Germany. Register here: https://goo.gl/oE77LF

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Frank (confidential)

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    The obvious first: Stuttgart isn‘t anywhere near the sea, so jobs for Ocean Engineers will certainly be rare. In addition, any role requiring communication (with anyone) needs B1 or better B2, so you might want to concentrate on language study first.
    That said, Stuttgart is a major automobile manufacturing centre and jobs are available for Industrial Engineers.
    Good luck!

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