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meeting friends in utrecht

Posted in Utrecht forum

hi there, new to utrecht from San Francisco, California. Would like to meet people to get together for coffee, shopping, museum, lunch, dinner, etc. :)

  • Go to Tiago Wakawakawaka's profile

    posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    English Pub Quiz - Utrecht

  • Andreea Lazar

    posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    I've moved here a couple of months ago and I'm also interested in meeting new people. If anyone wants to meet up, just add me as a friend :-).

  • Gianluca Valenza

    Meeting new people

    posted by  Gianluca Valenza in Utrecht forum 

    Hello everybody!
    I just established myself a couple o weeks ago in the city, and currently looking for new people to meet, since I don't know anyone. Feel free to add me as a friend, and if anybody want to get out for a beer or anything, just be my guest!

  • posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    Hi, I'm coming to Utrecht in September, 2012. I would like to meet people who is also there before I arrive. All of us know about being alone in a new place so I'm already working on that ;) If anyone is interested in having a coffee at that time just let me know of add me as friends in just landed.

  • posted by  in Utrecht forum 


    Looking to join an expat community In Utrecht, dont know anyone in this City so though this would be a good way to get started!

    So if anyone has any ideas, Im open to meeting up etc!



  • Dani Zombie

    posted by  in Utrecht forum 


    Looking for some friends here, since I just moved I don't really know anyone... So if anyone is up to a meet up cup of coffee or tea ... my email is [...]

    Dani :)

  • Go to Rebecca Sharpe's profile

    posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    Hi Audra
    I moved to the area for an internship which is part of my degree as I'm studying international business. I am 20 years old and from the I don't have as far as you to travel home. I have a boyfriend who still lives at home so its not to hard to visit.

    I've been here about a month and now starting to enjoy my time here as I get used to the local customs and get to know more people. I'm hoping to find the time to visit more places around the netherlands as well as the rest of Europe whilst I'm here.

    What brought you to the Netherlands? How have found your experience living here?

  • posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    Hi Becky
    What brings you to Utrecht? I am American and have been living in Leusden for a couple years. Although, I still maintain going back to my home in California every couple of months.
    How do you like it here so far? How old are you? I am 40. Married to a Dutchy!

  • Go to Rebecca Sharpe's profile

    posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    I have moved to a place near to utrecht for the next 10 months or so and really want to find some people to meet and enjoy the sights and experiences of this amazing country. i don't know any dutch yet so its difficult to get to know the locals until i start learning.

    Anyone fancy meeting for a coffee or a drink sometime?


  • posted by  in Utrecht forum 

    Hi Chona
    I also come from Bay Area...Danville, CA. Now I also live in Utrecht. What brought you to the Netherlands?


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