jose andeme

Sobre mí

jose andeme
 jose andeme
Sobre mí:
well i can say i'm a young gay,strong and i love everything around me,i love my friends,i love the life and being a student too.
Viviendo en:
Durban (South Africa)
English, Spanish
35 años
South Africa, Durban


Computers/Internet, Music, Basketball, Football
Música favorita:
hate it or love it (the game ft 50 cent)
Películas favoritas:
titanic,romeo & julliet etc...
Libros favoritos:
el kijjote de la mancha
Cosas que me gustan:
i love my friends and i want to know more friends
Estado civil:




  •  one love

    Greeting From Miss VIVIAN
    How are you today, I hope all is well with you .I am sorry to worry you with my Proposal for a relationship with you, but I know that you will grant my request in good faith and understanding, My name is Miss VIVIAN.i just went Through your profile / I have no options than letting you Know that I am interested in having a relationship with you, I will also like to Know you the more, you can send an email to my email address is ( vivianzing (@) ) so that I can send you more details about my self Including my picture. I believe we can move from here. But bear in mind that Love has no colors barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier, religious, language, nationality or distance barrier, the only important Thing there is love. I am waiting for your email to my email address above.Miss VIVIAN

  • Keren Sanka
     Keren Sanka

    Salut,je suis Keren!
    S'il vous plaît comment allez-vous! que vous êtes beaux et en parfait état de santé je suis passé par votre profil et je l'ai lu et s'est intéressé à elle, s'il vous plaît si vous n'avez pas l'esprit j'aimerai que vous me écrire sur cet ID (kerenbeb201/@/y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m) espèrent de vous entendre bientôt, et je vous attend pour vos e-mails parce que j'ai une chose très importante à vous dire.
    Beaucoup d'amour!
    Keren! (kerenbeb201/@/y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m)
    HI,I am Keren!
    please how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it,please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this ID(kerenbeb201/@/y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m) hope to hear from you soon,and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you.
    Lots of love!
    Keren !(kerenbeb201/@/y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m )