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Finding a german friend

Postitatud Saksamaa foorum

is there anyone who can help me find a person in germany..his name is philip bauch..

  • Mine Sami Bibi profiilile

    postitaja  sees Saksamaa foorum 

    I've sent you a private message, check it...

  • Mine Sami Bibi profiilile

    postitaja  sees Saksamaa foorum 

    I've sent you a private message, check it

  • Mine Stato Hartnick profiilile

    postitaja  sees Saksamaa foorum 

    Hi Rebecca : I can only offer help in the way of encouragement in your quest. I was also looking for someone from Switzeland (I'm in South Africa) for a very long time. What did help me was continual persistence and a very strong resolve to never give up.
    I tried different ways of the name spelling, different cities in the country as well as websites and forums which I somehow knew were in his interests.
    We had been friends since meeting in a city where I too had come to look for work in 1982.This was long before the internet was as established as it is today.
    And it's so amazing how we improve when we stick to a chosen project. Our ideas for success seem to be extended.Websites and forums continually undergo improvements and refinements which all some how allow us to take our reach further.
    How long have you been looking for this guy? Are you prepared to continue searching?

    I sincerely hope you will be successfully and find the person. Only by endurance do we attain that success.
    Hope to hear from you and that you find him.

    Kind regards from sunny South Africa !

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