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Living in Innsbruck and only speaking English ... help please!! :)

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Hello everyone!

I have just moved to Innsbruck (as of Feb 2010) and I am looking to meet people, make new friends and I also need to find a German speaking language course in Innsbruck, that is not too expensive, as my German is rubbish at the moment :( I have been lucky enough to keep the job I had in the UK and work from home in Innsbruck, therefore only available evenings and some weekends...

I would love to hear from someone soon :)

Kind regards,
Gem :)

  • Gemma Hawes

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hi Sonja,

    I can imagine it must have been lovely to have your mum stay.

    It is close to the DEZ Einkaufszentrum, that's the one :)

    The photo is fine, I am sure we will be able to spot eachother.

    Have a lovely day, really looking forward to meeting you later!
    Gem :)

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    About your photo.

    پست شده توسط  Juan Ubide Barreda در اطریش فروم 

    It's not small, a photo is always enough though smaller ;)

  • Gemma Hawes

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hi Sonja,

    It was funny weather on Saturday, we had the worst hail storm I have ever seen in Innsbruck and flooding that made the news!

    Oh that's nice, that your mum was over, does she still live in Austria too?

    It was actually Innsbruck playing Vienna on the weekend, Innsbruck won 4-0 apparently... I never really liked football, but found myself really getting into the world cup this year :)

    As for Topshop, isn't it great, New Look also deliver here too, which is great as I love New Look and Topshop!

    Let me know if your sister does not know the place and I shall try and find somewhere else for us? Really looking forward to it :)

    Have a lovely day,
    Gem :)

  • Gemma Hawes

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hallo Sonja,

    Wie gehts?

    Apologies for the delay, it was quite a busy weekend. How was your weekend?

    I am so pleased it has cooled down a bit now, we had floods here and terrible weather on Saturday, did it hit your area too?

    Wednesday night would be perfect for me, how about Harley's Coffee Bar in Innsbruck? Very popular and we can sit outside, I cannot find a web page or link for it, but I understand this is the address, you may wish to double check so I don't send you to the wrong place:
    Harleys - Coffee Bar
    Bleichenweg 18
    6020 Innsbruck

    I could get there for about 7:00pm on Wednseday evening if that is ok for you? I could even come to your area if that is easier?

    Really looking forward to meeting you in person and having a nice chat!

    Gem :)

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hallo Sonja.
    Minderstens verstehts du mich sehr gut auf Deutsch.

    Heute bin ich resting (ich weiss nicht was ist auf Deutsch) und muss ich studiere wenig. Gestern war ich bei gab meinen Lebenslauf dem Zeitarbeitfirma.

    Ich habe gemacht nicht heute. Ich habe gehabt eine slecht Nachricht heute. Jetzt schreibe dich ich ein Privatmessage.

    Pfiati und bis bald.


  • Gemma Hawes

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hi Sonja!

    It takes forever to sink in haha, I still have to pinch myself when driving through the mountains at times, it is simply stunning isn't it :)

    Glad the move went well with no big issues or anything. The unpacking was the worst bit for me too, moved here and into the flat on Sunday, had to clean the flat, unpack everything major and work the next morning, total nightmare!!

    It is way too hot at the moment, I don't like it very much and I am losing a lot of sleep as a result! :(

    My weekend was ok thank you, it went too quickly as always... :)

    I would be totally up for meeting up for a coffee / drink, that would be great. I work until 6:30pm every day (sometimes later) but am also quite flexible. I could meet you either one night during the week after work, or I could meet you on a weekend. This weekend is pretty busy and the next one I am in London again though (just for a couple of days). Let me know when / where is best for you? :)

    Take care,
    Gem :)

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Klar, du kannst sein eine meine österreicher freundin (es ist eine slechte Wort weil confuses (ich weiss nicht was ist auf Deutsch ) viel, ehehehe. Das ist schön haben Freunde : ). Ich kann sein dein Spanisch Freund.

    Meine Tastatur hat keine Eszette.

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Guten Tag. Wie geht's? Mir geht's gut.

    Ich habe eine Kuriosität. Warum schreibst mich kein Umlaut wenn bist du aus Österreich? ehehehe. Aber ich verstehe sehr gut kein Umlaut.

    Ich habe kein Freund aus Österreich.

    Liebe Grüsse.

  • Juan Ubide Barreda

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hallo Sonja,

    Vielen dank, mir geht's gut danke :-). Nie glaubte dass wie waren geworden Weltmeister ehehehe. Ich hatte Angst, das war einfach nicht. Spanien ist Weltmeister. Am Sonntag feierte ich mit meine Freunde Nur. Das Spanien wie Weltmeister gibt mich kein Arbeit
    ;- ) aber gibt mich Hoffnunge. Ich versuche haben Hoffnunge

    Liebe Grüsse.


  • Gemma Hawes

    پست شده توسط  در اطریش فروم 

    Hi Sonja,

    I am fully recovered from the ear infection now, thank you :)
    How are you and how are you settling in? Does it feel real yet?

    I hope the move went smoothly for you.

    Gem :)

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