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Are my funds sufficient?

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I'm a British citizen who plans to move to Brussels soon. I'm not working, but wish to rent a little studio flat for about 10 months and study the language and culture. I have 12000 Euros and receive a small monthly income of 90 Euros.

Would the authorities consider these funds sufficient to issue me a residency permit?


  • Menj Atonio Torres profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

  • Menj Ebony Diamond profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Belgium fórum 

    Why would you need a residence for?

    You just come for 10 months to a year you are an EU , you got your passport you have medical insurrance so what's the matter about Belgium status since you do not need it at all?

    You can always register at the cityhall and even get support by the government even if it's not advice during the first three months.

    And to be honest 12000 euro will be soon gone in bills, food, and stuffs so i would advice you to look for a small job
