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What does it take to live in Bosnia? Visa Processing, Housing, Food, etc.

Pubblicato in Bosnia Erzegovina forum

Good Afternoon Everyone,

So from the title itself, I am hoping to get serious answers about moving to Bosnia for my client. What does it take to live in Bosnia? Do they provide tourist visa? Because my client want to live there for 6-12 mos and after that, she will decide if she'll stay longer and live to the country.

Also, I do want to know about the Housing there, the rentals, the food, transportation, and even jobs.

Thank You for your sincere answers, all are appreciated

  • Vai al profilo di phillis moores

    pubblicato da  in Bosnia Erzegovina forum  

    SHe is discreet.She has been my plug since my cousin introduced her to my friends and I
    I consider myself lucky cos I got the best plug...
    ***ALERT TO ALL STONERS*** We advice you guys to buy from our only reliable local vendor here… Isabella ( rollbudup420 (at) gmail (dot) com ) she sales the weeeeeeed and coke on Bosnia

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