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Job market for English speakers in Italy

のポスト イタリア フォーラム

Hi everybody! I'm thinking of relocating to Italy but wonder if I can get a job there without speaking Italian (I do speak some Spanish). Any idea how the job market is there, i.e. for teaching English?

  • Tina Di Rienzo

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    I would like to teach English and I really want to learn Italian. The language exchange sounds great. How is this done online?
    What are Skype forums.....

  • Dorota ...

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    Dear Santino,

    You wrote: "a job in italy?please please many lovely countries in the world and you get the most complicated"

    :)) Well..If I had a good job offer from a new school year, I would not have any doubts that it would be good solution..It is a lovely country.

    I am going to Italy in some days, for a week only, but..I hope to talk about possible job too while being there.
    I am visiting Naples again, I love that city I have to say. There is something magic in it.

  • によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    hi blizzy...a job in italy?please please many lovely countries in the world and you get the most complicated..good luck you gonna need it...

  • Ya Riのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    unless you work for an american, english or international
    no way! population dosnt know english, so things would be really hard for you in daily life too.
    all jobs where you dont need language are kinda humble and modest, usally for people coming from eastern europe or africa.
    You can work as an english teacher, but you would need some basic italian for sure.

  • によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    Hi. I am a Filipina and just registered. I am an educator and have been teaching ESL for 6 years in the Philippines. Its been a year that i havent practiced my profession here in italy due to limited opportunities aside from the lack of confidence in dealing with italians. I thought i could use up the net in teaching english as its the 'in' thing in my country for EFL learners especially in korea and in japan. The problem is I have no idea on how and what to do so i can gain students from here.
    Hope you can enlighten me.


  • Dorota ...


    によるポスト  Dorota ... に イタリア フォーラム 

    Thank you Aniya for nice advice:)

    Yes, it is a good idea to teach online too, I do that here as well actually, in some way. I made a site for my Polish students, this is my class, I have boys there only:) They are at the age of 19 now, this is the last year before their final exams. And I made the site just for them, to keep in touch with them not only at school. I put there some tasks in English for them from time to time, they learn English there too, but rather for fun. Normal, regular lessons we have at school, so this is only something extra for them.

    I am not in hurry to start working in Italy this September, even if I would love it, but I am not only a teacher at my school, but also an international programme coordinator..

    So as you can imagine, there are lots of duties and huge responsibility to organize everything..This is the last year of the programme ( 3rd year), this is why I am looking for something to start next September. I hope my qualifications are good enough..I have University diploma, it was language studies (English), so just everything about language.. Its history, literature etc.

    And of course, I keep working on my Italian...

  • Dorota ...

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    Thank you Majdi for your kind offer:)

    Yes, it sounds really nice:) I have never been to Lecce, but it is a big city too.
    So..maybe I would really ask you in some time for looking around, it could be nice idea.

    I have to wait until October, when I am in Naples. I have already talked a bit there about possible job, when I was there in spring, so I will see.

    For now I keep working on my Italian. Just to survive there ;)

    You are absolutely right about English in Italy.
    It is sometimes quite difficult to communicate if in English only..

  • Badie Guy

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    Actually I put an advert for my self "Web Designer & Developer" I did not get any msg, and I know and sure that its very easy to find job in development because Italian very good in design but not in programming and development. and I still did not get any meg from that advert.

    All because Italian language, If i know Italian then i can get work contract tomorrow its not hard.

    For English,Ii notice that most of student in the south don't speak English or have problem with English. Take lecce as example , its very hard to find someone who speak English, and if you find you have to talk with him/her slowly.

    If you want when i go back to Lecce i can search for a job to you.

  • Dorota ...


    によるポスト  Dorota ... に イタリア フォーラム 

    You wrote: "For teaching English market, Yes its very good market and you can find a lot of jobs as English teachers , especially in the south"..
    Well..This is what I am looking for..
    I am not a native speaker unfortunately, so it is easier American or British citizens to find something interesting, but I don't lose hope..I finished University some years ago, and I work in Poland as an English teacher..
    Community is not (maybe) the place for finding a job in Italy ( it would be more than perfect for me if in Naples), but you are writing exactly about this..Blizzy has much better chance, I am sure..
    I put an advert here (
    /Jobs-Wanted/English-teacher-33) almost two months ago, and nothing happens..maybe next school year will be better:) For me too..

  • Blizzy Everhard

    によるポスト  に イタリア フォーラム 

    I guess I'll have to work on my Italian then ;o)
