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questions about polish people

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I'm a french student and I'd like to know if some of you could
help me because i have a professor who asked me to talk about a country that i like. I have chosen Poland because my grandmother was polish and because i am interested in polish culture. So, i need to know how do polish people act in the daily life? Are they welcoming? Do they trust easily in somebody? By the way, I have a short questionnary if some of you have time for me.
Thank you if you give me an answer.
Polska forever!!!!.

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  • dzien dobry !!

    publicēja  Dzēsts lietotājs - Vietas Polija forums 

    hi radek,
    thank you for your answers :) It was really interesting. And yes you're right, in the metro, french people are always starring on the floor... But they are not affraid, they are bored :) However, parisians tend to be easily blasé sometimes :) So, maybe it explains a lot of things...
    You'll maybe think that i'm asking too many questions but i saw that your job is, if i remember, sales and marketing manager for Lingerino. So i was wondering if you could tell me more about business in Poland. What's your opinion about it? what is special about it?Can you tell me about your experience.
    I don't need a detailed answer, i'd just like to know how you feel about the way business works in Poland. But only if you're ok to give me of your time once again of course :)

  • Radek Andrzejewicz

    publicēja  - Vietas Polija forums 

    Hello Karen, some words from me:

    @How do we have to dress at work in Poland?
    ...depends on where are You going to go... or who are You going to meet...

    @Is punctuality important?
    Yes. But, wherever You go or whoever You meet, beeing punctual means respect and it's treated as good behaviour.

    @What are the most important values in Poland? (honesty, courage...)
    ..I can speak of myself: trust, reliability, responsibility. But I think You'll get as many answers as people asked...

    @What are the most important qualities of Poles? Faults?
    We're the same nation as any other. Many of Poles like to think we're special (don't ask me why), but I think our bigges fault is narcism.

    @What are the rituals of greeting?
    ...depends on where or to whom...

    @What are the favorite topics of discussion of polish people? What subjects can help to break the ice with polish people? (ski jumping? :) )
    money :) I mean how to get them in general... but one of the most - I suppose - beloved theme is "church" (it's influence on our daily life....) and something like "why the hell Germans pay 3x more for the same job"... :)

    @At what distance are we supposed to stand in a discussion?
    doesn't matter... well... till You discuss with football fan :)

    @What is the importance of the look in a discussion (is that rude not to look in the eyes for example?)
    nope... it's required in my opinion (straight look in the eyes can be a sign of true intentions).
    However, when I was in Paris, I always wondered, why all French people are stearing down to the floor while traveling metro... what are they afraid of? strange...

    @Are Poles emotional? Do they show easily their feelings?
    Yup. We still learn how not to be easy going... The history shows we pretty always went used, because we often are too naive... :)

    @What's about the gestual? Do Poles use their hands in the discussion? Are they tactil?
    I think Italians are much more experienced in using hands when talking :)

    @What are the working hours in Poland?
    Depends on what's Your occupation...

    @What are the relations between managers and employees? Is there any formalism?
    I would rather say some of us prefer to show: who is the boss here... But this is changing nowadays I think...
    Well, in general, much less formalism than in Germany...

    @How do we consider gifts in a negociation? What gifts are the most appreciated?
    None. Professional business relations cannot be founded on gifts. Those times are gone...

    @Do we use visiting cards?
    Of course.

    @Do we make business lunch?

    @Do we have to respect obligatory deadlines?
    Sure, deadline is saint!


  • publicēja  - Vietas Polija forums 

    Hi Slawek Swat,

    First thank you for answering :) What you said in your previous message helps me already because it is the perfect match with the things i have heard from my grandma. If it doens't bother you i'm gonna to ask you a few more questions about greetings, communication, work and businness in Poland. You don't have to answer to all the questionnary because it's long!!! and if one day, you wanted to know something about France, do not hesitate to turn to me:

    How do we have to dress at work in Poland?
    Is punctuality important?
    What are the most important values in Poland? (honesty, courage...)
    What are the most important qualities of Poles? Faults?
    What are the rituals of greeting?
    What are the favorite topics of discussion of polish people? What subjects can help to break the ice with polish people? (ski jumping? :) )
    At what distance are we supposed to stand in a discussion?
    What is the importance of the look in a discussion (is that rude not to look in the eyes for example?)
    Are Poles emotional? Do they show easily their feelings?
    What's about the gestual? Do Poles use their hands in the discussion? Are they tactil?
    What are the working hours in Poland?
    What are the relations between managers and employees? Is there any formalism?
    How do we consider gifts in a negociation? What gifts are the most appreciated?
    Do we use visiting cards?
    Do we make business lunch?
    Do we have to respect obligatory deadlines?

    I think that's it :) hope one day, i'll be back in Poland even for a short trip! Thank you again.

  • Slawek Swat

    publicēja  - Vietas Polija forums 

    I am polish, so I will try to answer your questiions.

    There is a lot stereotype about Poland and polish people. This is my own sincere statement of us:

    We are very hospitable, friendly to foreigners, we like to make new contacts, and easily trust.
    if we are at odds, for the sake of common interest, we can quickly unite.

    we're jealous, do not like if a neighbor has a better car or a house.

    This is a quick anser to your questions. I have got plenty of free time, so if u ever agains need my help, feel free to contact me :)

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