Johan D

Om meg

Johan D
 Johan D
Om meg:
About me, I'm a married man living with my wife in Rotterdam, which is the second city of this beautiful little country called The Netherlands, also known as Holland. Even while I live in this city, I'm close to nature as well. I know a lot about this country, visited many places (mostly by boat). My wife comes from Asia, although we met here in The Netherlands. Still we had to do a lot to stay tothether, so I know some things about procedures in the country :-) I'm not looking for a relationship. But you're welcome to talk, maybe even become friends!
Bor i:
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
English, Dutch
Netherlands, Rotterdam


Animals/Pets, Art, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Sailing/Boating, Travel/Sightseeing, Biking, Walking/Hiking, In my free time, I like: Walking / hiking (love to walk in a forest or somewhere else in nature). Nature (to walk in, as seen above :) ). Cities (everywhere in the country and sometime also outside Holland). Music (both listening and playing piano myself). Art (to see paintings for example in a museum, but also outside like statues). Movies (both in the cinema and at home). Theatre (try to visit several times a year). Driving around by car. Boat (I've got a small motorboat, wonderful to go away on vacation with it). Reading (triggers the imagination). Photography (when going out for a walk, I like to take my camera with me).
Air, Beatles, Blur, David Bowie, De Dijk, Doe Maar, Focus, Pink Floyd, Pulp, Radiohead, Herman van Veen; Beethoven, Chopin, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky; Jazz
Amelie, Beautiful Mind, Blues Brothers, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Incendies, Labyrinth, Lawrence of Arabia, LotR, Monty Pyton, O Brother Where Art Thou, Rain Man
Books from: Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams, Greg Bear, Orson Scott Card, Frank Herbert, Stephen King, Larry Niven, J.R.R. Tolkien and Jules Verne