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Looking for friends in Lausanne

Postado em Lausanne forum


I'm 25 from Lausanne and am looking for cool people to hang out with- male and female so if you live somewhere in Lausanne or nearby get in touch!

I like most things by the way so i'm sure we will have something to talk about. I'm english :)


  • Va para perfil de Veronica VLV

    Postado por  em Lausanne forum 

    Hi everybody,
    I just joined the forum as a way to finding friends.
    I have been here for 3 months and it is really difficult to meet people for me, with a job that is absorbing many hours during the week... (as most of you, I guess ;-))
    So, if you want to go out, either in the week or, better, during the week-end... I am here for you!
    A dinner? A drink? A movie? A Ski day? A trip somewhere? Some shopping???? Anything would be fine to me!

  • Postado por  em Lausanne forum 

    Hi there, I'm looking for someone to go skiing and snowboarding with. Anyone interested?

  • dipu mik

    Postado por  em Lausanne forum 

    yes irene,making friends is not hard,,,,,also not e,...s ...y
    bye n be good

  • Va para perfil de Barry O'Neill

    Postado por  em Lausanne forum 


    I've recently moved to Lausanne with my girlfriend and am bored out of my tree-I was wondering if you guys are still going to the Bleu Lezard on Tuesdays, for example tomorrow (3rd Feb)?

    Any information would be appreciated.


  • Va para perfil de Andrew Little

    Postado por  em Lausanne forum 

    Hi Irene,

    I realise this reply is a little after your posting, but I have just moved to switzerland to live with my fiance, who's originally swiss. I start working in Geneva on Monday but live in Rolle so close to Lausanne.

    We're going to check out this Bleu Lezard place next tuesday, 13th after reading your msg, are you and ur friends going to be their, or does anyone else who reads this msg want to reply and join?

    See you all there!


  • irene gisaldi

    Postado por  em Lausanne forum 

    Hi SEB...i just read your message..well, i am almost new here in Lausanne, but already have a small group of friends..so, if you want to join us it would be great!! i don't know if you know some good places, clubs and things like that, but every tuesday we meet at the BLEU LEZARD..it's very cool..so, just let me know..
    ah..i am italian, my name is Irene, i work here as an au-pair..
    making friends is not that hard..bye bye..

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