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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

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Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • Mergi la profilul lui Daniel L

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    For expats, surely it is difficult in any country to connect socially. But the Swiss are especially "special". Maybe it is because they are neither French nor German nor Italian but carry parts of all these different national identities in them.? I dont know. Try and try again, is all I can say. Also there are enough interesting "foreigners" and people with foreign backgrounds who tend to be more my/our wavelength. So do not despair. Joing a club (or Verein as they say here) is an option as mentioned above but only if you are not a "darkie" like me. (the strange looks are just too much! & sometimes they require a written application: how messed up is that?!!) Hehe.

  • Mergi la profilul lui agirlingeneva .

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    It is my understanding (and experience) that it's not only Swiss people who are like this. People from many other nearby countries are the same.

    Also, I've heard time and time again that Swiss (French and other various European cultures) take a long time to make friends but once you have them you'll have them for life, whereas they say that people from Anglo countries (and maybe other countries too) tend to make friends very easily and quickly but they are not necessarily your 'real' true friends that you keep around for forever.

    So if the Swiss are so quiet, closed and reserved, and you haven't been in the country for 20 years, how the heck do you befriend one?!

  • Dr G. Bonsall Basel´s English Dentist

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    Its not difficult. Join an association or club and smile at people and say "hello" and introduce yourself.
    A smile opens doors!

  • postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    Quiet, shy, serious but the people is nice, handworking :)

  • Mergi la profilul lui Daniel L

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    Umm...I did not say that I feel attacked. I don't care what you wrote about whomever. I try not to get personal when writing things on an open anonymous site....I don't call people liars. Who am I to judge them?
    I asked around and even though my swiss colleagues admit that the older generation still use the word "Neger" they ALL agree that it is wrong and should not be so. One of them even said that maybe the older generation that are uneducated or not up to date will use this word but her grandparents definetely would not!! Of course we will get upset if faced with racist views and of course this is a problem all over the world. (e.g. US of A) But this is the Swiss forum and we are allowed to vent our views. You cannot forbid us to. So we will carry doing so regardless of what you write. I am happy for you that you have never come into touch with rasicm, though I find it very hard to believe....nevertheless I am ready to give you the benefit of the doubt. :)
    I love that you "do not care who I am"! :D The reason for living here is not something that I intend to discuss with you on an open forum, as I am sure you will understand. It does not matter at all that you have a different point of view. We can agree to disagree, right? You should at least have that much respect for other/different opinions. I respect people of all nationalities. A lot of the Swiss do not =. My own personal opinion!! :p

  • Mergi la profilul lui Daniel L

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    I don’t understand why you are being so defensive. If there is no truth to our statements that ‘the Swiss in general are quite rascist” then what are you even getting upset about? The fact that there are some people that have had different experiences than you (and there are more than 1 negative comments) doesn’t mean that we are lying. (how dare you?!) Of course it is possible to be warm hearted and racist. No problem. You of all people should know how difficult it is for a dark skinned woman (divorced) in Switzerland. If you have never experienced any racism then good for you!! But do not pretend it does not exist!!! You come across as very cold hearted and I am sorry but “Neger/Negerli” is never a good expression for any person of colour. I don’t care how old you are!!! IT IS A NO-GO!! As for bashing on the Swiss only a retard would not realise that this is an open forum and we can write whatever we want to. Just like you can, BUT you cannot forbid us to “stop bashing the Swiss”. (who do you think you are…?) If you chose not to believe our experiences, it is up to you. As for like attracts “alike” – you are right. But what has that got to do with racism?? We are not racists, so why should we attract them….? Doesn’t make sense, see?

  • postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    Hi Dortothy
    You probably still married yet. I hope not to separate, because then they will fall upon you. While you have the Swiss man on your side, they will have to respect you. I have several foreign friends who husbands put out of the house, for no reason, and left without the right to anything, not alimony for the children, live social service, government only looks the part of the Swiss. when their husband is beating her, They dont denounce because if are less than 3 years married, will be deported, even having children with them. usually people who like to live here is because they had left a life of poverty and find that Switzerland is paradise.It is not my case.
    Even though it is not any of your business, but I Would like to say I got married in Brazil.

  • Mergi la profilul lui canuck s

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    according to wikipedia women can get married in switzerland at the age of 17. So maybe she DID get married ata young age, then she would only be 1 year off. So it's possible it's not a lie.Just saying.

  • Mergi la profilul lui canuck s

    postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    so what you're saying Dorothy, is that is isn't possible to be warm hearted AND racist???? Seriously?! lol. MY in laws (Swiss) are very warm hearted, caring, loving people, married for over 40 years. Yet, I still hear "neger, negerli, jugo" and other racial slurs, coming from their mouths. Wake up! Racism is about being mean to OTHER races, or specific races, not to your own race, or general hatred to everyone!

  • postat de către  în Elvetia forum 

    What I say about the Swiss? I was married to one for 20 years. They are punctual, like working, patriotic. On the other side are racist, rude, arrogant, selfish, stingy. That was my experience and this being.
    I have many friends here. All foreigners.

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