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Is this enough to make a living in Uk?

Опубликовано в форум в Великобритания

Hello friends,

I've recently been offered a job in England, in Gloucester, as a Residential Childcare Worker/Outdoor Monitor. I have a few doubts about this offer:

- Do you know this company: KEYS CHILDCARE? Is it reliable?
- They are offering me a "starting salary for unqualified staff is £6.71, and £8.00 for staff qualified in QCF3/ QCF: Health and Social Care: Children and Young People. (...) Sessional salary £6.78 per hour".
They offer the QCF3/QCF training that I should complete successfully within 12 months, if I'm not mistaken. Is this enough to have dignifying life in Gloucestershire? How much should I expect to need, per month, sharing a flat with other people and live a normal life?

I appreciate your help. Moving to another country is a big step and I'd like to make sure I'm doing the right thing and I'm keeping myself safe.

Thank you very much for your time.
Kind regards,

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