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Want to know more about the life in Canada

Publicerade inlägg i Kanada forum

I am a eastern girl. I have never been Canada before but I think I like to work and live there if I have the chance. I just want to know more about this country form the people who live there or the people visited there before. I would like to make some friends who also like this country!

  • Gå till Ivy Zhang's profil

    insänt av  i  Kanada forum  

    Hi,thank you for the information that you provided. It really gave me a clearer insight about how is the life like in Canada. What the artical says is very true and realistic. However, it still can not stop me for going that country. I know there may many difficulties are waiting for me, but that is my dream to live and work there.
    And I believe that most people in the world are friendly and nice, just like you! So hope we can be friends,no matter what color we are or what coutry we come from.

  • Western Connexions

    insänt av  i  Kanada forum  

    I'm born and raised in Canada, I would like to share this article with you to help you better understand life in Canada:

    Please share this article with others who may find this information useful.

    Best Wishes,

  • insänt av  i  Kanada forum  

    im go to canada to work and live there.

    my email is [...] and i need much friends there.

    you think about this and may be i can help you. my english no is very well but is only the practice.

    my phone number is 012311066816

    callme is my name in mexico good luck|||

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