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Real Estate Selling: Five (5) Tips On How To Sell Your House Without A Realtor

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Home-selling without a realtor is no longer a new concept. As real estate agents usually get 5 to 10% commission of the sale, more and more land-owners opt to perform the transactions themselves. After all, if others can do it, so could they. This could mean extra money too! Here are five (5) guidelines in selling your house without the aid of a pro.

  • Thomas Pastoral kullanıcısının profiline gidin

    Şu kişi tarafından gönderildi  : Filipinler forumu 

    Reading upon this is a beauty. I know that this is an old news or story but it still has relevance to the current day situation. I'm sure a lot of people would get some great deal and help on this.
    Real Estate Philippines

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