
Alshaya salary idea

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Hi Guys!

I'm new to this forum and really looking forward to a long association for mutual benefits. Meanwhile, I will be attending the final leg of interview with Alshaya in October and would like to get an idea about the salary range and salary structure. The position I am being offered is Senior Merchandiser and if any of you have an idea about the salary and other benefits offered it would be really great!

Thanks in advance.


  • 发表  在 科威特论坛 

    If you are a grade 15 I wouldn't accept an offer less than 3000KD and if you are a grade 14 I would go for 2400KD min range. After the first offer be willing to walk away from the offer since they will come back and strengthen their offer, they always do but if you accept then you will never be allowed to negotiate this again.

  • 发表  在 科威特论坛 

    The sad fact is if you speak to the employment attorneys in Kuwait and Dubai you will find Alshaya treats people poorly and has had many law suits filed against them . I have seen first hand how they treat the workers from other third world countries and it is quite sad.

  • 发表  在 科威特论坛 

    I would steer clear of Alshaya they don't treat their people very well at all! If you are from the UK or USA you get a 5 day work week if you are not then you get a 6 day work week!!!! They discriminate based off of nationality

  • 查看Cristoforo Luigi's的个人资料

    发表  在 科威特论坛 

    Hi...I will soon have to attend an interview and assessment day with Al Shaya and I wonder if you can give me some tips regarding the open day?



  • 查看vijay raj's的个人资料

    发表  在 科威特论坛 

    There are lots of western teachers here in kuwait. Fortunately, Teachers make very good money here than i have heard elsewhere which is a very nice thing.I cannot say the same about career though. Bcoz i dont teach. What are your deliverables for a good career. If i guess it right, you should be teaching in a premium university recognized at a bigger forum outside this country,you should teach to the niche students who make it to the university after qualifying respectable tests etc.... this doesnt happen here. Coz locals dont bother studying too much. and the ones who want to , do it abroad. But Yeah, there is good chunk of money.

  • 发表  在 科威特论坛 

    Vijay Rai

    I am new here and was wondering do you have any suggestions for Professors in Kuwait and how to go about making a career out of teaching in kuwait?

    Many Thanks

  • 查看vijay raj's的个人资料

    发表  在 科威特论坛 

    Alshaya, being on of the well known names, would pay you competent salary. It would be directly proportional to your experience. concentrate on ur final round and salary will fall in place.good luck
