
Change of Proffesion Sticker

发表在 沙特阿拉伯论坛

Assalamalekum Brother Ahmad,
My Application form for Permanent Family Visa is getting rejected due to absence of change of profession sticker on passport from Jawazat. My Earlier profession was Masah Aam(General Surveyor). I hold a mechanical engineering degree. To avoid chaos, i decided to get my proffesion change to Engineer, which is now done. I have labor card & Iqama-both show my profession as Muhandis mechanical..I enquired from Jawazat , they are telling that they have new system in which they update the information only in the system & stopped putting any sticker on the passport. Isteqdam people dont understand it , they are telling they neeed it. I am stuck up between these two department & I dont know what to do.
I need help, please help me with his valuable advice.

