• Kathleen D'Haeseleer

    Fiancee Visa Status

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Kathleen D'Haeseleer في منتدى بلجيكا 

    Hello there! I just would like to ask for an advice. I applied for fiancee visa last September this year. My visa reference number appeared in www.infovisa.ibz.be one month after I lodged my visa application. It shows there, "In afwachting ontvangst van documenten die de visumaanvraag ondersteunen en die door de Belgische diplomatieke/consulaire post per diplomatieke valies verzonden wordt."

    My fiance is not interviewed yet. It has been two months and a half already. He called up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brussels and they only said to just wait. It is not a problem for us to wait but we are more concern of the expiration of our papers. We will probably re-apply again in the city hall if there is no decision until the expiration date. I really do not know how the processing of fiancee visa application goes there.

    Does anyone here know where we can follow up for the updates of the visa application? Just for him to be interviewed so that the investigation can move forward then. He also called up to the city hall and they just said that they just wait for the result of the investigation. Where can we follow up for the investigation? To the police? To the procureur? We really do not know. My fiancee lives in the city of Aalst anyway.

    I am looking forward for your kind reply regarding this matter. I just want to clear some thoughts on my mind since it is my first time to apply for fiancee visa. Any reply will be highly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!

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