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Acho onyekwere Paul

معلومات عني

Acho onyekwere Paul
 Acho onyekwere Paul
معلومات عني:
Sometimes, I let the wind and waves move me where they will, while I breathe and take in all the world around me--until I'm overwhelmed and steeped in it's beauty. Other times, I push myself so far beyond my limits that I sprout new roots and branches and leaves... and crashing through the concrete and walls that told me I was limited to a certain space to begin with, the old, dead branches fall off... and feed the fire of my life. I'm under the impression that living is actually a good thing
الإقامة في:
Arabic, English, French
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, المواعدة, معارف العمل
Canada, Alberta


  • Acho onyekwere Paul
     Acho onyekwere Paul

    I would like to be happy to make friends all over the world and share a ideas and cultures