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    @ Roger and Daniel

    публикувано от  canuck s в Швейцария форум 

    Danke für eure antworten. Mein Deutsch ist nicht das problem, ich verstehe und spreche deutsch gut genug das alle können mich verstehen. Mein deutsch ist zwar nicht perfekt aber viel besser als andere ausländer wo leben hier schon viel länger. Da mein mann schweizer ist, verstehe ich auch schweizer deutch zu 90%. Ab und zu gibts ein wort das ich nicht verstehe, aber vom zuzammenhang gehts. :) Wenn ich mich mit schweizern unterhalte, versuche ich sogar schweizer deutsch su reden! Mangisch kommts gut an, mangisch nid! :)

    So thank you both for your views. I cant compare swiss city to countryside since ive ever only lived in Canadian city and Swiss countryside. I thank you both for your input, i understand that being reserved can be mistaken for ignorance, and I'm trying to overcome this. But on the other hand I'm tired on inviting everyone for coffee or to go to the lake, and getting no interest. On a positive note, I have recently managed to make 2 swiss friends, all on my own, through no connection from my hubby whatsoever. (Maybe its just his entire clique thats "bünzli". At any rate, these 2 new girls are really an exception for me, and proof that it is possible to make friends here. You just have to be really determined and do alot of weeding. But even with these girls i notice its taking forever and a day for them to ease up, def. not what i experience i canada. But anyways, immerhin!!!!

    On a negtaive note, I have to comment on the "verein" bullshit. My village does have a verein. A turn verein. Wow. So its my fault now that i dont like turnen? Oh, wait I can join the homemakers verein. Sorry, I find the limited choice of vereins appalling and would never join one. Maybe if they had something interesting.

    At any rate, its possible, I just want to get the note to the swiss people out there: if a foreigner makes a viable effort to get to know you, don't make it harder on us just so you can have the satisfaction of contributing to the already negative reputation that foreigners have! Some of us are funny, genuine and caring, and can become a better friend than that one idiot you went to school with. Be open minded! :)Give us a chance!

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