• Profil uživatele cynthia c

    10 year Carte de Sejour problems

    Publikováno uživatelem  cynthia c v Fórum Francie 

    Hi, Charlotte, I have a complicated situation. Im an American living in a small city in the French Alps, married to a French citizen for 18 months. There are no jobs in my small city for me for a number of reasons: my French language is elementary; even menial jobs require 'diplomas'; I need a significant amount of money to live (more than the average low level salary in France) due to property investment issues in the US; the industry Ive spent 30 years in (grant writing and fundraising for nonprofits) doesnt exist in France; and I dont have qualifications to teach English and there are almost no jobs for that here. In 2012, I will be applying for my 10 Year Carte de Sejour. The Prefecture said that I had to pass an 'integration' test and an interview with the Mayor in French. Since there are no French classes that I can afford here, I work 12 hour days in English for some Los Angeles contracts, and I have some hearing issues, my French will never be better than survival, I'm afraid. Also, I dont see how I will pass the 'integration' test with all my work in the U.S., having to start being there 6 months a year to keep my contracts as of next year, and owning 5 properties there and nothing here. So my question is if I don't get my 10 Year Carte de Sejour what will happen? Will they make me leave the country immediately even though Im married to a French citizen? Just keep issuing me 1 Year Carte de Sejours? Only let me in France 3 months at a time on a tourist visa? I'm quite concerned since this issue could ultimately mean the end of my marriage. Thanks.

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