• Do you want that in triplicate?

    Publikováno uživatelem Odstraněný uživatel v Fórum Katar 

    Don't shift the focus yet again. Now its Just Landed who is to blame.Boo Hoo! Why would you care what Just Landed encourages? You are anonymous after all. You started it by maliciously stating that Blazing Light and Enigma are the same person. And if you and Depleted User are not the same, pose your question there. Any intelligent person would have picked up that depleted user and whatsup withthat is the same user. The moron got her profiles mixed up. Once again and for the last time,the issue here is not who is who? So what if the same person writes under numerous names? We not here to discuss anybody's identity and or split personalities. Until such time that the forum reverts back to the pertinent issue namely Newton, I will not be entertaining this sideshow any longer. Blazing Light has refused to be roped into this charade, oh!yes, I forgot, I am talking to myself. Isn't life grand that you can actually talk to yourself on a forum. Down Light, down. Enigma is writing first. Goodbye. Goodbye,Goodbye!

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