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    A little perspective

    Postet af  John Lovejoy i Forum for Tyskland 


    To quote you
    “About the Hispanics and the US, I don't see Spanish being used so much as an advantage at all. I know there is no official language, but I think countries are better off having only one language used in the public sphere, official or not. And in the US it should be English. As I have said many times, I didn't come to the US to speak Spanish. And it bothers me tremendously when people come here and don't learn English because there is so much Spanish around that they don't have to. That is very rude.”

    I am kind of taken aback by your narrow opinion and some other statements of yours in other post and to paraphrase…
    - Claiming that Miami is dirty or messy because of the Latin community which is ridicules.
    - That illegal Immigrates are prone to commit more crime, which is absolutely not true.

    America is not a mono culture or an Anglo Saxon country but a melting pot of people from over a 140 nations all bringing their cultural influences, values and languages.
    Latinos are huge part of OUR American Culture( over 50 million) and also our neighbors.
    We are not English, the UK where you only speak English but America.

    “America, come as you are and be who you want to be”
    That is everybody’s right granted under our constitution.
    There are regions where people speak German.
    In many of the china towns only Chinese and very little English if at all.
    Yes, you do have the right to built your own community and neither the state or other citizens don’t get tell you how live YOUR life.
    Our tolerance and diversity is our strength.
    There is enough space for everybody.
    If you don’t like it in a particular part or a state, you can move to another one.
    You don’t even have to register with the government where you go or live.
    No einwohnermeldeamt like in the Germany.
    But you also don’t get to deny our Latin community their culture and language.
    Making rules over others.
    The freedoms you seek to take from others you will ultimately take from yourself.
    I cannot figure out what could possibly be offensive about seeing Spanish in US.

    Again we are not English but American.

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