• Chase Ellison

    Aufgegeben von  in Deutschland Forum  

    The worry about being cliché is futile as most dating in Western culture is pretty much the same format. However, the differences between expected behaviors (I.E. In the US and now I read Mexico it is fashionable and expected to be late and in Germany it is rude and uncommon to be late.) would be the deal breaker even thought it may be accidental to be breaking these cultural faux pas.

    Mira asked a few days back about to expect from men in our cultures. I can speak some about the guys in the Mountain West (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah) part of the United States

    Western cultural dates as I stated are pretty much the same.
    Dinner and a Movie, going for a romantic walk, having a cup of coffee and talking, and etcetera.

    On the first few dates assume that you date will probably open every door for you after that it typically trails off. This is very common but not a constant (Side note: men from the south will open every door every time during your relationship.) .

    Also, many Americans in this area are some place between a rural and city person so often times these first dates will be in a less crowded place as it is not typically comfortable for most people from this area to be in the middle of a big city.

    Typically the men will pay for the first few dates then will start the share the cost of the dates shortly after the first date.

    The people here are not very brash as you would see from New York or California. Being a bit shy from physical contact it is often taken slowly and awkwardly until the woman responds in a noticeable manner.

    I am not sure if this is universal or not.. it might be though. Men have a difficult time taking clues, hints, subtle suggestions, if its not obvious it probably will not be seen.

    Small talk is abundant during the first part of the date. Often this is just fishing for a topic to talk about. From my understanding this is a typical American thing that is not common around the world.

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