• Staff Meeting

    Aufgegeben von Gelöschter Nutzer in Qatar Forum  

    Thank you for your kind invitation although it must be said that only a member of Senior Management can extend such an invitation. I have never ever pretended to be a current member of your staff. So, if there was but the sheerest chance that I would get a fair shake at that meeting, I would be there in a flash. We both know that Draconian Law applies there and I like many others will shroud ourselves in a cloak of anonymity. I have been there, done that and what did I get for DARING to speak out? My salary was not paid plus loads of extra money that was due to me.
    Let me very clear about this. Newton International School has excellent teachers and a great demographic but honestly, some of the Senior Management Team and their tactics, leaves alot to be desired. From an educational point of view of course.
    To Trudie Masterson, please except my apologies for blaming you for things that was not your doing. I was way out of line and even further off base.
    I know realise that there are more sinister forces afoot.

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