• Successful Canada

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από Διαγραμμένος χρήστης σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    "that's how Canada keeps its society working" its you who says its working and I call it self denial. As in reality its not working. Even though Canada gets the cream and Europe gets uneducated asylum seekers still highly educated immigrants in Canada are not happy, it shows that Canada has serious problem. Even immigrants in city like Toronto are against immigration, especially the visible minorities, this is the reason they elected the current mayor. And the reason they are anti-immigration is simple, they don't want that people will come and meet the same destiny like them. Even white Europeans who come to Canada due to false advertising do leave the country. Canada desperately wants European white people but this will not help as white Canadians also think that they are superior than Americans and Europeans.

    Here you go, how even white immigrants are happy in Canada:
    1. "I like the cynical, ironic, but VERY humorous tone as it matches my own. I made the same conclusion that the large visa income which Canada generates allows them too give you those huge glossy brochures/diaries/newspapers as you arrive at the airport. It also pays the wages of those friendly ‘immigrant’ people manning the ‘Welcome to Canada’ section also at the airport. At the time I was over the moon at the friendly Canadian welcome, but now I realise I paid for all of this and it is largely useless. I recently chucked those books in the trash…a final awakening to the reality of the situation. I am going home in September (UK)"

    2. We came from the UK where we were relatively well off, we had good holidays abroad, 2 cars, etc. We are now virtually bankrupt, and like Sophie, we find ourselves heading back to the UK soon. We are disappointed that our dream has to end. Like lots of other people out there.

    3. As you all guys I am an immigrant here fed up with what seems to be the opposite of what Canada advertises overseas. I come originally from Eastern Europe, am perfectly bilingual, or excuse me trilingual, and so what? Over the past couple of years, I have got a few fixed-term contracts here and there but that’s it. Playing the hide-n-seek sort of hidden market employment game every since I landed here in early 2007.

    Well, anyway, 4 years have gone by and I can’t wait to resume my life back in Europe, hopefully in a couple of months.

    This country is just a big business, which is bringing into Canada a minimum of around 2.5 billion dollars annually from the application fees skilled immigrants pay and the money in savings they land with, in case any of you ever wondered. And to that, honestly, I didn’t dare add the money brought in by the entrepreneurial category of immigrants.

    So all in all, my conclusion, all they care for in this business is NUMBERS and not individual/immigrant well-being. Ha ha, the biggest joke ever for someone who keeps wondering why on Earth didn’t think of trying Iceland first before flying all the way to the other end of the world. At least, that would have been a place closer to home, where they do recognize foreign credentials as opposed to here where they keep reinventing the wheel.

    4. I brought with me a PhD from America and international work experience, but I am still doing sporadic jobs that give a pathetic income. The first full-time job that came to me left me with an injured arm a few months later....

    5. Well if I can turn back time I will rather stay away from Canada. Now is too late to go back.

    6. All immigrants should think 5 times before making decision to move here. Canada has the best educated pizza delivery guys in the world. And also Canada has the best educated security guards and janitors in the world. Cool isnt it? Only in Canada doctors from foreign countries are doing flyer delivery and they even cant be janitors in hospitals because they are over qalified. Guys you should stay in your countries. This is just good marketing and with good marketing you can sell everything even Canadia dream.

    7.That said, the issue you will face, is a hidden hostility towards foreigners. I am white, english speaking and I hold a Ph.D. I do not get any warm receptions. Frankly I find the workplace hostile. I too left a position of economic comfort, and find it extraordinarily difficult to replicate...

    and last but not least

    8. WHY are we allowing more immigrants in Canada, when we have plenty who are here about 50% who end up LIVING on poverty and greatly affecting the BORN CANADIANS LIVELIHOOD??


    and list goes on but whom I'm telling all this....

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