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    Foreigner in Mauritius

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  MruInfo Source σε φόρουμ Μαυρίκιος 


    To answer your questions:

    - regarding property: yes, recently, it has been made EASIER for foreigners to buy property in Mauritius. Most of what you probably have found on the net are RES or IRS properties.
    There is NO minimum investment for RES. To benefit from RESIDENCY, the minimum investment is USD 500,000. This enables you to own freehold property, and to both reside and work in Mauritius.
    There are other properties that can also be bought, but i'd suggest you VISIT the country end get into contact with locals. To me that is the BEST and ONLY way to make your opinion.

    -regarding political situation: Mauritius is well-known for it's "one-of-an-african-kind" political stability. You can even check this info on the CIA website (if considered a viable source of info.) :D

    I'd also like to answer Mel: i can assure you there is NO such thing as the MINIMAL 5 million rupee investment for a foreigner to start a business. And yes i do personally know and work with several people here who are in that exact case of very low investment and no connection at all to Mauritius other than wanting to do business here.
    This is very old news that keeps poping up now and then.

    In short: come over, meet people, talk to them, THEN go to BOI first and then visit the fantastic, dreamlike properties that are poping up all over the island. I'm sure that you'll have better view for the next step after that.

    See you soon? :)


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