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  • Hello

    posted by Deleted user in Belgium forum 

    Hello once again,

    Well the first thing is that I am not a person who specialize these issues. I just know details about the process (as someone who lived it) and I must say that cohabitation is sth relative and so INDIVIDUAL. the procedure can change according to every other person. So it might not be such a good idea to make a compraison between you and me. I dont know ur legal situation in spain. it s better if you first ask to integration service in ur city in spain "what if you decide to move to belgium".

    during cohabitation process it is always a big advantage to have a Belgian boyfriend or sb who has belgian citizenship. I read once sb else wrote it in this forum that the best idea to start cohabitation is to come here as a student (almost the best way), and to live in the same address with your boyfriend. i dont know how things go with 3-month tourist visum...normally u cant have a "domicile" with a tourist visum
    good luck

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