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    Making friends in switzerland

    پست شده توسط  Gags Gags در سوئیس فروم 

    While to your queries reply, I must say that world's best people in live in swiss and people are very friendly, not arrogant. I have been here from last 2 years and I always feel like my home here even without family. I have recently moved to new city but again i found it easy to settle myself. I even got chance to work with amazing people like Michelle who has recently started out with a blog . We met by chance on Instagram and found our common interest i.e. is charity and increasing social awareness while inspiring women and motivate them. Now Michelle was the first person i knew in Zurich and other people like her give me an inspiration to do what you desire. Styletourista blog is just the beginning. I really thanks Michelle for her never ending support.

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