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    publié par Utilisateur supprimé dans forum Allemagne 

    Germany does not offer B.com degree, but they do offer BBA. I doubt that only with intermediate(higher secondary I think?) you will get admission in German BA/BSC degree program. Please contact international office of university as they can guide you better. Or check DAAD website http://www.daad.de/en/index.html there you will also find information on universities programs and how to contact their international office.

    You can also check here for international office:

    "The International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt – AAA) is your first point of contact if you want to study in Germany. It's best to contact the International Office at the university of choice direct – by email, letter or phone. When preparing for your studies in Germany, this is also the office to contact for information on how to apply. You'll find out about Admissions Requirements (Zulassungsvoraussetzungen), Selection Processes (Auswahlverfahren) and about any Tuition Fees (Studiengebühren) that you may have to pay. You can find the addresses of the International Offices here: http://www.daad.de/deutschland/wege-durchs-studium/einrichtu

    As far as I know, students who finish their higher secondary school in South Asia are quite young i.e. 16. This is minor age, I doubt you can get admission without any guardian, again you have to check with International office. Moreover, its too young to move to foreign country, especially if you will have no finances to support your studies. Free education is not everything, Germany is quite expensive place to live, and being a foreign student you are allowed to work ONLY 90 days in a year (but if you will be lucky to get any job).

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