• Open your heart

    publié par Utilisateur supprimé dans forum Suisse 


    You are Italian, no? As such Italians must talk! If you reside in the German cantons, they are definitely a little more reluctant to speak, HOWEVER, that being said, once they get to know you they DO open up.
    May I make a suggestio?. Move to the Italian or French cantons. Here you will find more camaraderie and definitely more open-mindedness about sharing words. Also, remember, you are in a different country. Keep an open mind about the people and the customs. The Swiss are a proud lot, but if you approach any people with a pre-disposed negative mind-set you will attract just that. You are young, handsome, intelligent. Surely you WILL fit in somewhere. Find clubs that you can join in with similar interests. Most of all, expect to find friends. A winning attitude generally wins friends! The best of everything to you my friend!

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