• thanks

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    I appreciate your experiences.

    I have been to Germany a few times but only as a tourist and everybody has been great. In fact, I thought very highly of Germans before I even visited, and once there I thought they were even nicer than I thought.

    I'm sure being a tourist has nothing to do with being an immigrant. A tourist is there to spend money and an immigrant is there to be a part of the whole thing :-)

    You are right, the US is great for immigrants. Not only they don't care, they even want you to become an American. I was surprised by that too. Americans saw me as an American even before I saw myself as an American.

    I can't just go to Germany for a few months and then come back if I don't like it. I have bills to pay and responsibilities here. And going again on vacation is not going to help much because I'll still be a tourist.

    I'm very excited in a way but a bit scared also. I have friends that have lived there and loved it.

    Well, for now I'm learning German as fast as I can, but it's hard. I think I would learn a lot about Germany if I could watch German TV and understand it.

    But, you say appearances are very important, in what respect? because one thing I love in the US is that nobody cares what you wear, what you drive, how much money you seem to have etc. As long as you are not a pain, you can be who you are no problem.

    I hope they don't assume I'm loud because I'm from Spain, though I'll understand if they do because in general, we are. Will just have to prove myself :-)

    About the Hispanics and the US, I don't see Spanish being used so much as an advantage at all. I know there is no official language, but I think countries are better off having only one language used in the public sphere, official or not. And in the US it should be English. As I have said many times, I didn't come to the US to speak Spanish. And it bothers me tremendously when people come here and don't learn English because there is so much Spanish around that they don't have to. That is very rude.

    I did notice something in Germany though. We were taking pictures of a nice street and an older man that was walking on the street came to us very upset asking us if we were taking a picture of him. We said, no, the street. Then he said, are you English? and we said, no, Spanien, and then he said, Gut and left. I figured he didn't like the Brits much.

    Thanks for your input!!


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