• patrick eso의 프로프필로 이동

    @Daniel Hollenbeck

    게시한 사람  patrick eso 속 독일 공개토론 

    You got it Quite wrong, Africans has not even reached the Level of wars that was fought on the continent of Europe in the past 700/600 years ago. Very brutal times. Even within Germany formerly known at the time to be Prussia, Towns fight against each other.I am not here to assemble all their names,100 's of it alone just between France,Germany alone not to include the scandnavian countries combined.Wars being fought in africa is economic wars, where private europeans/ including multinationals take advantage of situations,because most africans are not brought up as Nationalist,the engage in salling arms to some ill informed africans of the economic benefits behind their arms suppliers.What I will like you to defend; the Ideas behind EUGINICS.......What somebody in your depth knowledge think of those experiments being carried out in some where around south west africa by a well known German scientist and a Doctor at the early part of 1900.Race purity ,Sterilization,Euthenasia.Does these make some of us more super Humans than the other.This ideas existed before the third reich.I saw a picture where Max Planck was sitting at the middle , the great Albert Einstein was left standing behind, whom we know all his theories has never failed in physics yet.Some of you think Africans don't have history .Where did the Greeks study their sciences?Archiemedies Principle.?What happened to the great library of the Moors, The spanisch destroyed it. If you want to have a healthy discusion fine, I will be glad to have it one/ one . I like facts no being biased. When you say what is accurate ,I will support .But if I raise any issue that is because is good to know how we all view each other in these world.The biafrans you mentioned earlier on your article ,had for centuries well organised system of Democracy before the british came to that African country called Nigeria) and Branded it "Quasi Democracy".It is difficult for africans to have equall treatment on the world stage.Ihave written over these before, that some people like it these way, because the benefit from marginalization of principle ideas that govern mankind , those who are powerful enforce the rules we follow.

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