• Racism in Germany

    опубликовал Пользователь удалён в форум в Германия 

    The Germans are not more racist than any other country in Western Europe. What is happening is that the 30 years lost of non europeans have arrived, and a small part of then have been causing trouble. Im from Belgium: 45% of inmates in Belgian prisons are do not have the belgian nationality. And of those with the Belgian nationality: it was far too easy to get as an immigrant... I suscept similar number for germany.
    Many came from poor areas in Turkey, Middle East etc. for example. They came to y continued to live here liike they lived in their country of origin, kids being loud out on the streets all day, men often unemployed hanging out together, in their own bars, casinos, markets (if you've been there u know what I mean: life happens outside of the house much more than here) - which scares the Germans of course: groups speaking a not understable language intimidate. Newspapers here full of criminal facts, more and more by immigrants coz there are ever more of them.
    So what do you expect: of course the Germans will have a more negative attitude towards immigrants. But that is not really racism. A professor from Istanbul will be happily accepted here. On the other hand: women with a boerka: How can they contribute to society here? That is what Germans ask. But it is not racism. A more controlled immigration policy like australia or canada would have been helpfull. Try and build a christian church in the Middle East. Impossible.
    So you could say some understanding and gratitude for the huge changes that the german society has been through the past decades would be in place. But dont make them all racist, just like not all immigrants are unemployed and cause only problems.
    ps: to the women immigrants: if men stare at you, maybe it simply is because you look good? :-)

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