rent in Jeddah

    опубликовал  DRUPATKUMAR THAKUR в форум в Джидда 

    Der Rob,
    from my research for a family apparent(2-3 Broom),I think if you want a standard as in USA,you should forsee around SR100,000 per annum.
    Its difficult to get accurate info on net since the response to queris is poor.Maybe the houses are rented through the consent of employers.
    Be careful while negotiating our benefits/salary.Most employers try o give you the impression that housings very cheap and offer very small housing allowance.From the little experience I have had negotiating my package,the employers try to cheat you into accepting very low salary.Nut experienced professionals ahould take care and not fall ino the trap due tO lack of information.
    I was offered asalary of SR100000,pr annum for a lob position of great responsibility.i old him to go to hell and get a bloke.


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