• ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Ron Saxena


    โพสต์โดย  Ron Saxena ใน ห้องสนทนา เยอรมนี 

    I appreciate your private message. However I prefer to write on open forum. I am trying to inform incoming professionals, researchers and students about the reality. I am not ranting / whining here. I have a decent job with one of the largest Tech Consulting firm. But will not shy away from announcing that I had to slog much more in order to achieve this. And my European University peers had it much easier than me. Be it student assistant job to regular job. Thumb rule : Non Europeans are hired if there is a special need : My Chinese friend interned with an Automotive firm, where his sole work was to interact with Chinese speaking vendors in China. I have briefly worked with an IT firm, where the team was overwhelmingly Indians. From technical requirements, those special cases are
    ; - if the candidate is clearly offering more for lower price. E.g: applying for Bachelor job with Masters Degree, or freshers job with experience and specialized certifications. None of them can be called "equal opportunity". Equal opportunity and true competition means : u score 90% , your European peer scores 88%, so you get selected.
    All in all, you get selected if you are over qualified, i.e Europeans with similar qualification would reject that job.

