• ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ Roger B


    โพสต์โดย  Roger B ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Thanks for making that point. As one of the debaters that probably is responsible that the discussion has been carried away, being the "enthusiastic" debater that I am, I would nonetheless like to stress my initial point about Switzerland and how to make friends.

    First, don't mistaken the hardship of making friends as geared against foreigners. It's something the Swiss have. We are reserved, most of us adore their private space. Second, the general population is not very comfortable speaking foreign languages. While Switzerland might be multi-lingual most people speak only to a limited level foreign languages (be this French, English or any other language). English in particular is something very new to most and has been mandatory in schools for now like 12-15 years, meaning up from people in their late twenties the fluency in English is not the highest (except if they have graduated from college or been to the "gymnasion", but not even that ensures this).

    Last but not least, don't be put off by the difficulties, be active and don't wait for the Swiss to go out themselves (you might find some that are that way, but it's better to be pro-active, and don't take winning a battle as having won the war - meaning hanging out with work collegues at a bar doesn't mean necessarily anything at all).

