• Miscegenation

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    Dear Daniel

    You are mixing up things in order to hold on to your "conspiracy theory"... And maybe it would be wise if you took a history book, my dear friend!

    First of all I never talked about miscegenation between people from French speaking Switzerland and German speaking Switzerland! I gave you some examples of real miscegenation which you apparantly ignored. I was born in 1964, 46 years ago. My father is from France (not French speaking Switzerland!) and my mother is Swiss. I am therefore - like many other Swiss - a product of miscegenation. A lot of friends in the Kindergarten and in Primary School were kids of mixed couples. That is more than 10 or 20 years ago...

    You are stating yourself that miscegenation in South America started with the arrival of the Europeans; this would be the year 1500 in the case of Brazil. You know as well as I do that at that time the Europeans considered the locals as a minor race or even as animals and that in fact the miscegenation between the two races was not something "fancy" at the beginning of the colonization. And still nowadays in nearly all Latin American countries there is a big difference between the social classes which often is defined by the colour of the skin. Or tell me... as you are all equal in Brazil... why has there never been a black or dark skinned president in you country but on the other hand mostly black or dark skinned football players in your (excellent) national team??? And why do you speak yourself of "ruling classes" in your post if all are apparantly equal in your country???

    On the other side the history of the miscegenation on our continent and especially in Switzerland is far older than in the Americas. The ancestors of your nation were still living a more or less peaceful life in the jungle and on the coasts without knowing what was going to happen to them a couple of centuries later while Europe was already going trough all kind of struggles and a continuous natural or policital motivated migration within Eurasia.

    Take the telephone directory of Switzerland and you will find a lot of foreign names. And even a lot of the names that might seem tipical Swiss to you have a foreign background. Or check out the history of some of the famous Swiss brands like Nestlé, Brown Boveri, Roche, Novartis or Swatch and you will realize that they all have roots in other countries. Again, that is more than 10 or 20 years ago...

    You write: "A person can be born in Switzerland and still not have no right to Swiss citizenship." I am sorry, but this statement is wrong! It is correct that you do not become automatically Swiss being born in Switzerland. But it is not correct that "you have NO RIGHTS to Swiss citizenship". As you say you have to go through some bureaucratic procedures. It is mainly in the Americas where you use birthright citizenship or the so called "Jus soli". In nearly all the rest of the world however the "objective nationality" applies and it is therefore mainly your idea that this different procedure "constitutes a flagrant contradiction to the most revered ideal in Western democracies"... Paradoxely you can live in some Latin American countries for years without getting the citizenship even if you feel more Latin American than your original citizenship. And of course if you finally get the citizenship you also have to go through a lot of bureaucratic procedures that are not more and not less ridicolous than the ones used in Switzerland.

    The title of the thread is "Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland?" and now you are even involving the barbaric killing of the native nations in the Americas in this discussion... Come on, stick to the topic or open a new thread about the injustice in the Americas! And anyway: Switzerland never had any colonies or went out to conquer other nations.

    And to your information; I have lived 14 years in Latin America and I have travelled to South America, unfortunately never to Brazil yet.

    After reading a couple of posts I have found the answer to the question "Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland?" for most of the foreign participants in this thread. The answer is easy: You spend to much energy complaining about the Swiss system, the way of life in Switzerland and comparing things with your own country instead of trying to understand the Swiss and the Swiss way of life and somehow adapt to some local customs or behaviours.

    * * *

    "Wer reisen will, muss zunächst Liebe zu Land und Leute mitbringen, zumindest keine Voreingenommenheit. Er muss guten Willen haben, das Gute zu finden anstatt es durch Vergleiche tot zu machen."
    Theodor Fontane (1819 -1898)

    "Die eigentlichen Entdeckungsreisen bestehen nicht im Kennenlernen neuer Landstriche, sondern darin, etwas mit anderen Augen zu sehen."
    Marcel Proust (1871-1922)

    "Der verborgene Sinn des Reisens ist es, Heimweh zu haben"
    Erich Kästner (1899 - 1974)

    "Jede Kultur ist anders, aber niemals falsch."
    Autor Unbekannt

