• @TY @John Lovejoy

    diposting oleh Pengguna yang sudah dihapus di forum Jerman 

    Thank you for your answers, gentlemen.

    First of all, as I teach politics and history, I totally agree that I have an impact on the future behaviour of my pupils. Incidentally, we teach a lot about the 3rd Reich, especially under the viewpoint of just want went so horribly wrong that the German people turned on first part of their own people, then on half the civilized world.

    But, that said, the war ended more than half a century ago and the Nazis are in the dustbin of history, right where they belong.

    And I think I might be entitled to add that while the Germans have worked on a critical reception of their own history, other nationalites might benefit from a similar work on their own countries dark aspects of their past. But they don´t, I´m guessing because it is so much easier to point the finger. "My country, right or wrong" is not a German phrase.

    I mean seriously, allegations of racism are rich coming from a Japanese person. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Sorry TY, racists ARE everywhere. That is not lame, but a sad fact of life.

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