• Pergi ke profil John Lovejoy


    diposting oleh  John Lovejoy di forum Jerman 

    @Carsten Pfau

    Quoting you
    “. First of all - even a serious magazine such as Spiegel needs to sell - and bad news sell way better than good news, you know that. Statistics - well, as you probably know, you can prove almost anything through statistics, you just need to know how to ask the questions."

    The German Magazine “ Der Spiegel” is internationally well known for constantly publishing negative and often false propaganda in German language demonizing Muslims and foreigner in Germany. Often full of hyperbole and exaggerations along with scary imagery pitting the white German public against their none white fellow citizens.
    Some examples

    and here

    and here, claiming that the Koran is the mot powerful book on earth.

    and here photoshopping Islamic symbols on the German flag

    And here, the hate mongering in this cover is self-explanatory

    That’s when they are not publishing feature articles on Hitler and the third Reich bordering on worship.
    Below a link to some of those cover and feature stories from Der Spiegel.

    Additionally Der Spiegel also targets Jews.
    From January this year
    Here this Der Spiegel cover story deliberately conjures up not only German angst about Israel and fabricated Jewish revenge fantasies but also the clichés use of language when writing about Israel in the Federal Republic.

    And here a recent Der Spigel online article using the Word “ Judentum “ an expression widely used in the third reich to conjure up fear of and hatred against Jews

    Der Spiegel’s longstanding and ongoing hate-and fear mongering is a problem because it’s widely considered to be Germany’s most important weekly news magazine and carries the weight of an opinion-making publication for the chattering classes. Also, like most German media, has a peculiar obsession with Jews and Israel.
    Few Germans speak or understand English well enough to form a broader world picture or even fact check and are therefore held hostage by the limitations and agenda of this media in their language.

    The most widely read paper in Germany ( about 80% of Germans get their “news “ from ) is Bild zeitung, a daily circulation.
    An intellectually bankrupt tabloid frequently engaging in the same as Der Spiegel but also focusing on sensationalizing the most minor events in the most negative way possible to keep the public outraged and upset, with that greatly contributing the often negative attitude so prevalent in Germany.

    In response to your statement about alleged in-fallacy of statistics.
    Statistics is the only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.

    For posters and followers of this thread topic.
    I know it’s a long post with many links.
    The forum system does not permit to make the links clickable.
    So you have to copy and paste them to see them.
    But it’s worth taking the trouble, because they clearly demonstrate with what kind of propaganda the German public is regularly bombarded with, explaining many of the racial and cultural tensions currently escalating in Germany.

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